The training must pertain, in particular, to the following subjects:(1) the legislative and regulatory framework for occupational health and safety applicable to a construction site;
(2) prevention mechanisms applicable on a construction site;
(3) the coordinator’s role and general functions, including coordinating a job-site committee;
(4) preparing and updating a prevention program specific to a construction site;
(5) the coordinator’s role during an inspector’s visit on the construction site;
(6) the main safety measures applicable on a construction site, taking into account the priorities for action established by the Commission;
(7) the main occupational health rules applicable on a construction site;
(8) the occupational health and safety management audit;
(9) inspection of workplaces;
(10) accident investigation and analysis of reported incidents;
(11) preparation of work directives specific to a construction site; and
(12) interpersonal relations and communication skills.